
Psychology – Doctoral Degree 2014
Moral development
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 10.00

Course objectives: Training students for a wider understanding of human morality, its sources and its development, training for critical evaluation of theoretical approaches to studying the development of morality, for insights into the methodological possibilities and limitations

Course description: Great religious systems as sources of morality: Orthodox, Roman Catholic system, Protestantism, Islam. Ideology and morality. Moral philosophy: normative ethics and meta-ethics. Psychological approaches to moral development: psychoanalysis, social learning theory, cognitive-developmental approach. Pius theory: the development of understanding of responsibility. Kohlberg theory and socio-moral perspective. Turiel: morality and convention. Giligan: women's moral development. Eisenberg: prosocial moral thinking.Hoffman: empathy and moral sentiments. Problems of moral education. Methods of encouraging development of moral reasoning. 'Morality' of primates.

Learning Outcomes: Comprehensive, thorough mastery of theories of moral development, training for the promotion of moral development and to further research of human morality.

Psychology – Doctoral Degree 2014
Moral development
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 10.00

Course objectives: Training students for a wider understanding of human morality, its sources and its development, training for critical evaluation of theoretical approaches to studying the development of morality, for insights into the methodological possibilities and limitations

Course description: Great religious systems as sources of morality: Orthodox, Roman Catholic system, Protestantism, Islam. Ideology and morality. Moral philosophy: normative ethics and meta-ethics. Psychological approaches to moral development: psychoanalysis, social learning theory, cognitive-developmental approach. Pius theory: the development of understanding of responsibility. Kohlberg theory and socio-moral perspective. Turiel: morality and convention. Giligan: women's moral development. Eisenberg: prosocial moral thinking.Hoffman: empathy and moral sentiments. Problems of moral education. Methods of encouraging development of moral reasoning. 'Morality' of primates.

Learning Outcomes: Comprehensive, thorough mastery of theories of moral development, training for the promotion of moral development and to further research of human morality.

  • Mirić, J. (2001): ’Razvoj moralnog mišljenja’, Beograd: Kalekom i IZP
  • Piaget, J. (1977/1932): ’The moral judgment of the child’, Penguin Books
  • Colby, A. & Kohlberg, L. (1987): ’The measurement of moral judgment’, Vol. 1, Cambridge Un. Press
  • Popović. B. (1978): ’Moralni razvoj i moralno vaspitanje’, Beograd: Prosveta
  • Kant, I. (1981): ’Zasnivanje metafizike morala’, Beograd: BIGZ
  • Jakobson, E. (1973): ’The self and the object world’, New York: Intern. Un. Press
  • Hofman, M. (2003): ’Empatija i moralni razvoj’, Beograd: Dereta
  • Turiel, E. (1983): ’The development of social knowledge’, Cambridge Un. Press