
Psychology – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Affective Development
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00
Pre-requisites: Passing exams in: 1) Emotions and Motivation 2) Developmental Psychology 3) Personality Psychology

Course objectives: - acquiring knowledge about affective development - development of sensitivity for emotions and emotional states of others – acquiring knowledge about the affective states of pupils - beginning preparation of the students for counselling work with pupils (that will proceed through other courses)

Course description: Attachment. The concept. Attachment and dependency. Early attachment theories: social learning theory and Freud's psychoanalysis. Ethological theory. Attachment in hominoid apes. Bowlby’s theory of attachment and bonding. Internal working models. Contemporary psychoanalysis and attachment. Mentalization. Intersubjectivity. M. Ainsworth and attachment types. Methods in attachment research. Bonding and attachment at older age: children and peers, romantic attachment. M. Main and types of adult attachment. Transgenerational transmission of attachment styles. Attachment disorders. D pattern in children. U pattern in adults. Emotional development. The concept of emotion. Emotions and feelings. The history of child emotion research. Early expression and recognition of one's own emotions and emotions of others. Awareness of the subjectivity of emotions. Emotional contagion and social reflection. Awareness of the subjectivity of feelings. Development of emotional language. Development of emotional control and emotional expression, emotional pretence. Self-conscious emotions (shame, guilt ...).

Learning Outcomes:

Psychology – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Affective Development
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00
Pre-requisites: Passing exams in: 1) Emotions and Motivation 2) Developmental Psychology 3) Personality Psychology

Course objectives: - acquiring knowledge about affective development - development of sensitivity for emotions and emotional states of others – acquiring knowledge about the affective states of pupils - beginning preparation of the students for counselling work with pupils (that will proceed through other courses)

Course description: Attachment. The concept. Attachment and dependency. Early attachment theories: social learning theory and Freud's psychoanalysis. Ethological theory. Attachment in hominoid apes. Bowlby’s theory of attachment and bonding. Internal working models. Contemporary psychoanalysis and attachment. Mentalization. Intersubjectivity. M. Ainsworth and attachment types. Methods in attachment research. Bonding and attachment at older age: children and peers, romantic attachment. M. Main and types of adult attachment. Transgenerational transmission of attachment styles. Attachment disorders. D pattern in children. U pattern in adults. Emotional development. The concept of emotion. Emotions and feelings. The history of child emotion research. Early expression and recognition of one's own emotions and emotions of others. Awareness of the subjectivity of emotions. Emotional contagion and social reflection. Awareness of the subjectivity of feelings. Development of emotional language. Development of emotional control and emotional expression, emotional pretence. Self-conscious emotions (shame, guilt ...).

Learning Outcomes:

  • J. Mirić i A. Dimitrijević (2006): Afektivna vezanost: eksperimentalni i klinički pristupi. Beograd: CPP.
  • M. Zlotovic (1982): Strahovi kod dece. Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva
  • N. Hanak & A. Dimitrijevic (2007): Afektivno vezivanje. Teorija, istrazivanja, psihoterapija. Beograd: FASPER.