
Philosophy – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Problems of Contemporary Aesthetics
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: None

Course objectives: Student should get acquainted with the nature of aesthetics theory and with the domain of basic issues which aesthetics deals with.

Course description: Issues that will be dealt with include the nature and distinctive characteristics of an artwork; ways of its determination (by strict definitions or by some other type of characterization), logico-epistemological status of aesthetic qualities; interpretation of an artwork, its nature and its basic features, including the issues of interpretative relativism; nature of aesthetic value and its distinctive character compared with other types of values; structure and features of aesthetic evaluation, including the issue of value relativism.

Learning Outcomes: Student should be able to independently think about basic issues which nowdays aesthetics deals with.

  • Ričard Volhajm, Umetnost i njeni predmeti, prevod Anike Krstić, 2002
  • Peter Lamarque and S. H. Olsen (eds.), Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art, 2004, str. 9-68, 125-171, 175-232 i 235-294
  • Leon Kojen, Umetnost i vrednost, 1989, str. 7-76
  • Stephen Davies, The Philosophy of Art, 2006