
Philosophy – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Philosophy of Mind
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 7.00
Pre-requisites: None

Course objectives: The aim of the course is an introduction to the basic issues of philosophy of mind with an emphasis on the metaphysical aspect of these issues and mastering the basic concepts of the major orientations: dualism, behaviorism, functionalism, epiphenomenalism.

Course description: Overview of the most inflental theories about the relation between our mental and physical states (mind-body problem). The theories of logical behaviorism are discussed (Hempel, Riley, Wittgenstein), as well as contemporary materialism (Place, Smart, Armstrong, Davidson), functionalism (Putnam, Lewis), and new epiphenomenalism (Jackson). Practical exercises follow the lecturse by reading, clarification and discussions of relevant texts.

Learning Outcomes: Students are able to understand the fundamental issues of philosophy of mind, to expose the most important arguments in favor of the most common viewpoints, to gain the necessary basis for a graduate course and/or possibly writing a master work on this subject.
