
Philosophy – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Philosophy of Descartes
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 3
Recommended Semester: 5
ECTS Credits Allocated: 5.00
Pre-requisites: None

Course objectives: Introducing students to issues and problems of Descartes' philosophy, especially those that marked the beginning of modern philosophy and that are present in contemporary philosophy.

Course description: Covering the following topics: Cartesian method of doubt, Cogito, relation to medieval and aristotelian philosophy, relation between philosophy and sciences, the arguments for the existence of God, the problem of substance and mind-body problem. Practical part of the course includes analysis of parts of Descartes writings, through prepared presentations and disscusion, as well as texts of contemporary authors relevant to the topics that were previously covered in lectures.

Learning Outcomes: Students acquire basic knowledge of the main issues in Descartes' philosophy, from his epistemology, through the philosophy of mind, to his metaphysics.

  • Routlidžova Istorija filozofije IV; Dekart, Reč o metodi, Meditacije, Osnovi filozofije; Curley, Descartes Against the Skeptics; Lazović, "Kartezijanski skepticizam";