
Master Programme for Subject Teachers in Serbia 2013
Communication skills
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00

Course objectives: This course aims to provide students with the necessary skills to communicate appropriately and effectively with individuals and groups in the school context, and to resolve conflicts arising in educational institutions in a professional manner.

Course description: Theoretical instruction 1) Interpersonal communication in the school context; 2) The role of personality and emotions in interpersonal communication; 3) The role of perception and listening in interpersonal communication; 4) Verbal and non-verbal communication; 5) Two types of messages and their effect on interpersonal communication; 6) Interpersonal communication and power structures in the education system; 7) Conflicts and interpersonal communication; 8) Interpersonal communication and the building of collaborative relationships Practical instruction 1) Active listening; 2) Assertiveness; 3) I-messages; 4) Conflict mapping; 5) Phases of constructive conflict resolution

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course students will have acquired basic communication skills (active listening, I-messages, assertiveness skills and conflict management skills) and will have understood the importance of communication skills for establishing good collaborative relationships in the school.

  • De Vito, L. (2005) Messages – Building Interpersonal Communication Skills, 6th edition, Allyn & Bacon (odabrana poglavlja)
  • Gordon, T. (2001) Kako biti uspešan nastavnik, Beograd, Kreativni centar i Grupa MOST,
  • Kovac-Cerovic, T. i dr. (ured.) (1995) Učionica dobre volje: Uvod, Beograd, Grupa MOST, UNICEF, str. 13-36, 49-84.
  • Popadić, D., Mrše, S., Kovač-Cerović, T., Pečujlić-Mastilović, S., Kijevčanin, S., Petrović, D. i Bogdanović, M. (1998) Pametniji ne popušta – vodič kroz sukobe do sporazuma, Beograd.