
Pedagogy – Master’s Degree 2014
Research Techniques in Pedagogy
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 7.00

Course objectives: Introducing students with the characteristics of interviewing, content analysis and systematic observation, considering possibilities and scope of their application in pedagogical research; training students for the selection of adequate research techniques and the construction of appropriate instruments in order to examine specific pedagogical problems.

Course description:

Learning Outcomes:

  • Banđur, V. i N. Potkonjak (1999): Metodologija pedagogije. Beograd: Savez pedagoških društava Jugoslavije.
  • Havelka, N., Kuzmanović, B. i D. Popadić (1998): Metode i tehnike socijalnopsiholoških istraživanja. Beograd: Centar za primenjenu psihologiju Društva za psihologiju Srbije.
  • Mužić, V. (1986): Metodologija pedagoškog istraživanja. Sarajevo: Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika.
  • Mužić, V. (2004): Uvod u metodologiju istraživanja odgoja i obrazovanja. Zagreb: Eduka.