
Pedagogy – Doctoral Degree 2014
Qualitative Research
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 10.00
Pre-requisites: /

Course objectives: Understanding of ontological and epistemological foundation of the qualitative researches in pedagogy. Insight into the characteristics, types, possibilities and extent of application. Supplying students with knowledge necessary to carry out the qualitative research in the field of pedagogy.

Course description: Interpretative paradigm as a theoretical-epistemological foundation of qualitative research and its relation to the other paradigms (empirical-analytical, critical). The nature of learning and qualitative research. Research strategies in: ethnographic research, case study, research based on phenomenological observation, research based on content analysis, critical discourse analysis, participatory research. Ethical particularity of qualitative research. The role of researcher and other participants in research. Learning resources and the nature of qualitative data. Methods, techniques and instruments for data collecting. Ways of data organizing, analysing and interpretation. Procedures of deduction and results presentation. Writing the report on the conducted research. Possibilities of application and combining the qualitative research with other types of research.

Learning Outcomes: Student should: understand the epistemological standpoints of qualitative research; be familiar with the types and their characteristics, values and limitations; be familiar with and capable of using the basic strategies in planning and implementing qualitative research.

Pedagogy – Doctoral Degree 2014
Qualitative Research
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 10.00
Pre-requisites: /

Course objectives: Understanding of ontological and epistemological foundation of the qualitative researches in pedagogy. Insight into the characteristics, types, possibilities and extent of application. Supplying students with knowledge necessary to carry out the qualitative research in the field of pedagogy.

Course description: Interpretative paradigm as a theoretical-epistemological foundation of qualitative research and its relation to the other paradigms (empirical-analytical, critical). The nature of learning and qualitative research. Research strategies in: ethnographic research, case study, research based on phenomenological observation, research based on content analysis, critical discourse analysis, participatory research. Ethical particularity of qualitative research. The role of researcher and other participants in research. Learning resources and the nature of qualitative data. Methods, techniques and instruments for data collecting. Ways of data organizing, analysing and interpretation. Procedures of deduction and results presentation. Writing the report on the conducted research. Possibilities of application and combining the qualitative research with other types of research.

Learning Outcomes: Student should: understand the epistemological standpoints of qualitative research; be familiar with the types and their characteristics, values and limitations; be familiar with and capable of using the basic strategies in planning and implementing qualitative research.

  • − Ber, B. (2001): Uvod u socijalni konstruktivizam. Beograd: Cepter.
  • − Bloome, D. et al. (2005): Discourse Analysis and the Study of Classroom language and Litrarcy Events – A Microetnographic Perspective. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
  • − Halmi, A. (2003): Strategije kvalitativnih istraživanja u primenjenim društvenim znanostima. Jastrebarsko: „Naklada Slap“.
  • − Hymes, D. (1980): Language in Education: Ethnolinguistic Essays. Washington: Center for Linguistices.
  • − Milles, M. B. & A. M. Huberman (1994): Qualitative Data Analysis. London: Sage.
  • − Mitrović, M. (2008): Neke karakteristike narativnih istraživanja. U: Alibabić, Š. i dr. (ur.), Obrazovanje i učenje - pretpostavke evropskih integracija (157–168). Beograd: Filozofski fakultet, IPA.
  • − Mitrović, M. (2004): Pedagoška analiza sadržaja. U: Pešić, Mirjana (ur.), Pedagogija u akciji: metodološki priručnik (95–112). Beograd: Filozofski fakultet, IPA.
  • − Pešić, M. (2004): Alternativne epistemologije pedagoških istraživanja. U: Pešić, Mirjana (ur.), Pedagogija u akciji: metodološki priručnik (3–18). Beograd: Filozofski fakultet.
  • − Schostak, J. F. (2002): Understanding, designing, and conducting qualitative research in education. Bruchingham: Open University Press.