Ethnology and Anthropology

Ethnology and Anthropology – Doctoral Degree 2009
Holiday culture - anthropology of the holidays
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 5.00
Pre-requisites: In accordance with the doctoral studies.

Course objectives: Capacity for identification, research and examination of the holiday phenomenon in contemporary culture, from different perspectives, cross-cultural sensitivity and appreciation of differences and the possibilities for application of anthropological knowledge in projects dedicated to preserving and developing cultural heritage

Course description: Concepts: holiday, celebration, ritual, ritual, theoretical concepts; desecularization Secularization and religious holidays, secular holidays and rituals: "achievements of socialism" holidays and the processes of transformation, influence of religious culture in the festive traditions, political use of the holiday, holiday food culture, he media constructs of festive cultures, religious holiday tourism.

Learning Outcomes: Understanding the function of holidays in contemporary culture, role in the formation of religious and national identity, discourse analysis of various festive cultures, linking theoretical and empirical work in independent research and writing.

  • Rože Kajoa, Teorija praznika, Kultura 73-75, Beograd 1986. 32-60.
  • Stiven Ljuks, Politički ritual i društvena integracija, Kultura 73-75, Beograd 1986. 140- 161.
  • Lidija Radulović, Crkveni rituali životnog ciklusa: krštenje i venčanje u: Običaji životnog ciklusa u gradskoj sredini, posebna izdanja knj. 48, Etnografski institut SANU, Beograd 2002. 77-93.
  • Dunja Rihtman-Auguštin, Metamorfoza socijalističkih praznika, Narodna umetnost 27, Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Zavod za istraživanje folklora, Zagreb, 1990. 21-32.
  • Jelena Đorđević, Političke svetkovine i rituali, Beograd 1997.
  • Dusan Bandić, Narodna religija Srba u 100 pojmova, Nolit, Beograd 1991.(2005)
  • Žan Divinjo, Praznici i civilizacije, Kultura 73-75, Beograd 1986.92-107.
  • Alfred Simon, Praznik i politika, Kultura 73/75, Beograd 1986.116-139.
  • Miroslava Lukić-Krstanović, Privatni život na javnoj sceni svetkovina, u: Privatni život kod Srba u devetnaestom veku: od kraja osamnaestog veka do početka Prvog svetskog rata, priredili Stolić A. i Makuljević N., Beograd: Cilo, 2006.
  • L. Mirković, Heortologija ili istorijski razvitak i bogosluženje praznika pravoslavne istočne crkve, Beograd 1961.
  • Senka Kovač, Poruke predlagača novih državnih praznika Srbije, Tradicionalno i savremeno u kulturi Srba, ur. Dragana Radojčić, Beograd: Etnografski institut SANU, 2003. 101-109.
  • Predrag Šarčević, Prvomajske proslave u Beogradu (1893-1988) – praznik i politika, Tokovi istorije 1, Časopis instituta za noviju istoriju, Beograd 1993. 71-113.
  • Mirjana Prošić-Dvornić. Kulturni i društveni značaj hrane tradicionalne spske kulture, Kultura 109/112, Kultura svaštojeda II, priredila Jelena Đorđević, Beograd 2004. 315-339.
  • Žofr Dimazdje, Svakome svoj mali praznik, Kultura 73-75, Beograd 1986.205-211.
  • Žorž Bataj, Pojam trošenja, Kultura 73-75, Beograd 1986. 76-91.
  • Nikola Dugandžija, Ceremonijal, Kultura 65-67. Beograd 1984. 185-191.
  • Paul Post, Arie L. Molendijk, Holy Ground: Reinventing ritual space in modern western culture, Material Religion vol.3, issue 2, 279-282.
  • Robert A Yelle, To perform, or not to perform? A Theory of ritual performance versus cognitive theories of religious transmission, Method and Theory in the Study of Religion 18, 2006. 372-391.
  • Daniel H. Livine, Popular Groups, Popular Culture, and Popular Religion, Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol.32, No. 4, 1990, 718-764.
  • Milton Jinger, The Influence of Anthropology on Sociolical Theories of Religion, American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol.60, No.3, 1958, 487-496.
  • M. Daglas, Prirodni simboli, Novi Sad: Svetovi,Podgorica: Oktoih 1994. 5-98.
  • V. Vučnić-Nešković, Božić u Boki Kotorskoj: antropološki eseji o javnom nalaganju badnjaka u doba postsocijalizma, Beograd: Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Čigoja štampa, 2008.
  • T. Agapkina, Šta se događa čudesne noći?, u Čudo u slovenskim kulturama, Dejan Ajdačić ur. Beograd: Naučno društvo za slovenske umetnosti i kulture; Novi Sad: Apis, 2000: 22-45.