Ethnology and Anthropology

Ethnology and Anthropology – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Anthropology of Society
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 3
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: There are no requirements for attendance.

Course objectives: The main objective of the course is to introduce students to society and its culture. Students need to master a variety of theoretical orientations of the society and its research methodologies, research methods and writing term papers, inquiries in the field, research in archives, research in statistical offices, research in museums, research on the internet and research based on literature

Course description: Introduction to fundamental concepts of society and its culture. Definition of society and social structure. Types of social structure. Introduction to sociology: historical, functional, semantic, the study of characters, socio-psychological, and so on. Social groups types, role and meaning. Social relations: ways of production, kinship, religion and politics. Society and Culture, the type, location and meaning of art. Sources of society: material artifacts, oral, written, visual, museum, electronic and other sources. Literature, processing of the major scientific works on society. Exercises: reviews, papers and research in the archive, museum, library, statistical offices or on the ground.

Learning Outcomes: Knowing the history and structure of society, various theoretical orientation and methodology of social research, ways of writing term papers, research in the field of archives, the statistical institute, museum, online and on the basis of literature.

  • M. Popović, Problemi društvene strukture, BIGZ, Beograd 1974, 17-62.
  • A. R. Retklif-Braun, Struktura i funkcija u primitivnom društvu, Biblioteka XX vek, Prosveta, Beograd 1982, 5-23.
  • E. E. Evans Pričard, Socijalna antropologija, Biblioteka XX vek, Prosveta, Beograd, 1983, 41-65, 165-194.
  • M. Godelier, Marksizam i antropologija, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1982, 56-65.
  • B. Jovanović, Srbi u ključu nacionalne karakterologije, u knjizi Karakterologija Srba, priredio B. Jovanović, Naučna knjiga, Beograd, 1992, 5-22.
  • K. S. Hol i G. Lindzi, Teorije ličnosti, Nolit, Beograd, 1983, 55-88, 125-160, 162-202.
  • F. Putinja i Ž. S. Fenar, Teorije o etnicitetu, Biblioteka XX vek, Beograd, 1997, 5-17, 66-70.
  • V. Milić, Sociološki metod, Nolit, Beograd, 1978, poglavlje: Problemi proučavanja funkcionalnih odnosa, 664-678.
  • B. Ćupurdija, Porodica kolonista u Bajmoku 1945-1948, Srpski genealoški centar, Beograd, 2010, 318 strana
  • F. Engels, Poreklo porodice, privatnog vlasništva i države, Svjetlost, Sarajevo, 1976 (ili drugo izdanje).
  • M. Godelier, Marksizam i antropologija, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1982.
  • U. Vezel, Mit o matrijarhatu, Prosveta, Beograd, 1983.
  • E. E. Evans Pričard, Socijalna antropologija, Biblioteka XX vek, Prosveta, Beograd, 1983.
  • C. Levi-Strauss, Strukturalna antropologija, Stvarnost, Zagreb, 1989, poglavlje I – Uvod: Povijest i etnologija, 11-36.
  • 8. Društvene promene i svakodnevni život: Srbija početkom devedesetih, prir. S. Bolčić, Beograd 2002.(tekst S. Bolčić)
  • L. N. Morgan, Drevno društvo, Prosveta, Beograd, 1981.
  • R. K. Merton, O teorijskoj sociologiji, Zagreb, 1979, 80-152.
  • Z. Golubović, Antropološki portreti, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd, 1991.