Ethnology and Anthropology

Ethnology and Anthropology – Doctoral Degree 2009
Anthropology of the disintegration of Yugoslavia
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 5.00
Pre-requisites: There are no specific requirements for attending the training in this course.

Course objectives: The goal of course is, from an anthropological perspective, the processing of relevant issues related to the dissolution of Yugoslavia.

Course description: The subject deals with relevant issues in connection with the dissolution of Yugoslavia, but also different views and attitudes of anthropologists who have written about the causes and manifestations of the state collapse. It attempts to analyze social phenomena resulting process of disintegration of Yugoslavia, as well as anthropological controversy that has arisen regarding the different understanding of these phenomena.

Learning Outcomes: The outcome of attendance from this course is the student’s capacity for critical and analytical approach to the problems mentioned in the content.

  • Ribić, Vladimir, Srpski nacionalizam na kraju dvadesetog veka, u: Saša Nedeljković (uredio), Antropologija savremenosti, Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu; Srpski genealoški centar – Etnološka biblioteka (Knjiga 23), Beograd 2007, 150-171.
  • Ribić, Vladimir, Antropologija raspada Jugoslavije: o etničkom nacionalizmu, u: Vladimir Ribić (uredio), Antropologija postsocijalizma, Beograd 2007, 216-243.
  • Ribić,Vladimir, Nacionalizam hrvatskih komunista u vreme „Maspoka“, Antropologija, sv. 6, 2008, 54-74.
  • Ribić,Vladimir, Ustavne promene i državno jedinstvo u retorici „Antibirokratske revolucije“ u Srbiji, Etnoantropološki problemi, god. 4, sv. 1 (n. s), 2009, 185-212.
  • Đilas, Aleksa, Osporavana zemlja. Jugoslovenstvo i revolucija, Izdavačka kuća "Književne novine", Beograd, 1990.
  • Jović, Dejan, Jugoslavija - država koja je odumrla. Uspon, kriza i pad Četvrte Jugoslavije (1974 - 1990.), Prometej, Zagreb; Samizdat B92, Beograd, 2003.