
Master Programme for Subject Teachers in Serbia 2013
Masters Thesis
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 12.00
Pre-requisites: Prerequisites: The student can defend his/her master thesis upon completion of all degree requirements (exams, practical work).

Course objectives: To equip students for: - critical re-examination and problem detection in education - application of theoretical fundamentals and research methods for understanding educational practice - research-based decision making in teaching.

Course description: A masters thesis is a report of the student’s own research work on an approved topic. The student chooses the research problem and appropriate methods in the course of his/her studies and research work (particularly while attending The Teacher as Researcher course) and in consultation with his/her thesis supervisor. The masters thesis contains the rationale behind the selection of a research problem, description of theoretical and methodological approaches, research findings, interpretation of their significance for the teacher’s work and bibliography. Having written the thesis, the student publicly defends it.

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to critically examine education practice, detect and define research problems in practice, conduct research systematically, use adequate research methods and relevant sources, consider research limitations and implications for education practice, master professional conventions for research reporting.
