
Master Programme for Subject Teachers in Serbia 2013
Methodology of Civic and Intercultural Education
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00

Course objectives: Understanding the conceptions and models of intercultural and civic education and acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills for their methodological conceptualization and implementation

Course description: Theoretical instruction - Civic education, intercultural education and education for peace – concepts, conceptions and approaches – Cultural universals and particularities – European and international syllabi of civic education, intercultural education and education for peace – Education for democratic citizenship in Serbia – Intercultural and civic education as support for inclusive education – Psychological aspects of civic and intercultural adult education. Practical instruction - Didactic features of civic and intercultural education – Civic education teaching methods (groups of methods) – Organization of workshops on civic education, intercultural education and education for peace – Conflict management – methodological approaches

Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to: - understand the conceptions and models of intercultural and civic education, conceptualize them methodologically and implement them; independently plan and organize intercultural and civic education teaching

  • Mrše, S., Petrović, D., Gošović, R., Jerotijević, M., Interkulturalno obrazovanje i razumevanje. Bazični priručnik za nastavnike i nastavnice, Grupa MOST, Beograd, 2007.
  • Anker, van den C, Apostolov, A. (ur.), Edukacijom do mira i multikulturalnosti. Priručnik za trenere, The University of Warwick, Evropska Komisija, 2006.
  • Birzea, C., 2000, Obrazovanje za demokratsko građanstvo: perspektiva doživotnog učenja, Savet Evrope Popadić, D., Uvod u mirovne studije, Grupa MOST, Beograd, 2000.
  • Marković, D. (prir.), T-Kit Interkulturalno učenje, COE, Grupa "Hajde da...",Beograd, 2005.
  • KOMPAS, Priručnik za obrazovanje mladih za ljudska prava, COE, Grupa "Hajde da...", Beograd, 2006.
  • O’Shea, K., Obrazovanje za demokratsko građanstvo: politike i zakonski okviri, Centar za građansko obrazovanje , Podgorica, 2005.
  • Pešić, M., Vujačić, I., Popadić, D., Lazarević, D., Pavićević, Đ, Baucal, A., Gošović, R. i Jokanović, E., Nacionalni okvir za obrazovanje za demokratiju i građansko društvo, MPS, Beograd, 2004.
  • Đorđević, J., Popović, K., Obrazovanje za demokratsko građanstvo u Evropi, Andragoške studije, br.1, 2008.