
Master Programme for Subject Teachers in Serbia 2013
Sociology of Education for Teachers
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00
Pre-requisites: It is desirable that students should have a good command of English or French and Microsoft Office.

Course objectives: Upon completion of the course, a master student should gain insight into one of the basic theoretical themes of sociological, psychological, pedagogical and andragogical considerations - the subject of education, from the perspective of sociology as a discipline. The course aims to sensitize students to the idea that education should be viewed not only through the one-dimensional prism of pedagogy/andragogy/psychology/ sociology as scientific disciplines, but through a wider interdisciplinary prism, a part of which (sociological approach to education) is the focus of this course.

Course description: Theoretical instruction The course does not aim at employing an all-encompassing historiographical approach to the development of the sociology of education as a science, but rather focuses on the following: a) the analysis of the most significant theoretical and methodological paradigms through which sociologists observe the phenomenon of education, within the sociological tradition and contemporary sociological trends b) examining a few most significant theoretical themes and problems that contemporary sociology of education deals with c) recognizing their theoretical and methodological influences on other subdisciplines of sociology, and other, more or less related social sciences. Practical instruction: In practical sessions students will be encouraged to apply the knowledge gained through lectures to the analysis of texts of concrete scientific research studies.

Learning Outcomes: To enable students to view education-related themes from a sociological perspective.

  • Haralambos Majkl, Sociologija, poglavlje 11: Obrazovanje, str. 774-882.
  • Mimica Aljoša i Bogdanović Marija, Sociološki rečnik, odrednice: Tripković M.: Obrazovanje, Tomanović Smiljka: Socijalizacija, Georgievski P.: Sociologija obrazovanja,
  • Mimica Aljoša i Bogdanović Marija, Sociološki rečnik, odrednice: Georgievski Petre: Sociologija nastavnog programa, Tripković M.: Škola
  • Gidens Entoni, Sociologija, poglavlje 15: Obrazovanje, str.254-269. Flere Sergej, Obrazovanje za sve?
  • Georgievski Petre (1997): ’Vojin Milić i proučavanje obrazovanja kao kanala društvene pokretljivosti’
  • Markov Slobodanka (1997): ’Jedan pogled na Milićevo proučavanje obrazovanja’
  • Miladinović Slobodan (2004): ’Obrasci formiranja i reprodukcije vladajućih elita u bivšoj Jugoslaviji II: Kanali vertikalne pokretljivosti – obrazovanje i politička aktivnost’
  • Milić Andjelka (1982): ’Ideja vaspitanja i istorijska stvarnost porodice’
  • Jarić Isidora (2000): ’Škola’
  • Georgievski Petre (2006): ’Kulturna funkcija nastavnog programa’
  • Jarić Isidora (1994): ’Začarani krug predstava o muškom i ženskom’
  • Sergej Flere (2003): ’Rod i religioznost’
  • Mirko Filipović (2002): ’Obrazovanje, kognitivne sposobnosti i nejednakost prihoda’