
History – Master’s Degree 2014
Teaching practice in History
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Methods of teaching history,Psychology for teachers, Pedagogy

Course objectives: Acquisition of basic professional, theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for the successful accomplishment of the teaching process and implementation of the professional practice from the subject history.

Course description: THEORETICAL PART: analysis of educational standards for the subject history, learning about the aims, operational tasks-outcomes of the course history, acquaintance with the curriculum for the subject history in primary and secondary education; introduction to behavioral strategies in education, theories of constructivism in learning and connectivism as theoretical basis of learning on the Internet, use of textbooks in teaching PRACTICAL PART: writing of the global and monthly plan, preparation of daily preparation, reports from hospitality, attendance and practice in the school for practice, self-evaluation , writing an empirical / action research based on a research carried out at a school. Assessment of students

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to carry out teaching preparation/planning, attend professional practice in school within the framework set by educational standards, history curricula and basics of pedagogical work with students, applying modern teaching methods.

  • R.Stradling, Multiperspektivnost u nastavi istorije, vodič za nastavnike, Beograd 2004
  • M. Šuica, Kako predavati multiperspektivnost u Srbiji, izazovi i ograničenja, Nastava i istorija 2 (2004)75-91.
  • M.Šuica, Nastava istorije, u R.Mihaljčić, M.Šuica, S. Knežević, Priručnik za nastavnike istorije za šesti razred osnovne škole, Beograd 2010. 5-67.
  • Standardi iz predmeta istorija za kraj obaveznog obrazovanja, Beograd 2009.
  • Ključni pojmovi iz predmeta istorija, priručnik za nastavnike, Beograd 2008.
  • A. Đurović, „Arhiv Srbije u savremenoj nastavi istorije u osnovnom, srednjem i visokom obrazovanju“, zbornik radova sa međunarondog naučnog skupa Arhivska građa kao izvor za istoriju, Beograd, 2000, 123–129.
  • R. Stradling, Nastava evropske istorije 20. veka, Beograd 2002.
  • Priručnik za nastavnike u BiH, izdanje: Savet Evrope, ur. Luiza Blek
  • Preporuke Saveta Evrope, (Preporuke za nastavu istorije u 21 veku Preporuka (2001)15, Preporuke o nastavi istorije u konfliktnim i postkonfliktnim okruženjima Recommendation 1880 (2009); Preporuke o interkulturalnom dijalogu i slici o „drugome“ u nastavi istorije Recommendation CM/Rec(2011)
  • V.Poljak, Didaktika, Zagreb 1988
  • A. Đurović, „Film kao istorijski izvor i mogućnosti primene u nastavi istorije“, Nastava istorije, 2, Novi Sad, 1995, 194–199.
  • A. Đurović, „Pedagoški muzej u nastavi istorije“, Nastava istorije, 11, Novi Sad, 2000, 132–136.
  • P. N. Stearns, P. Seihas, S. Wineburg, Knowing, Teaching and Learning History, New York University 2000.
  • History, ICT and Learning in the Secondary School, ed. Terry Haydn and Christine Counsell,ed. Terry Haydn and Christine Counsell, London 2003.
  • Z.Deletić, Ogledi o nastavi istorije, Kosovska Mitrovica 2012
  • A.Pešikan Avramović, Treba li deci istorija, Beograd 1996.
  • Druga šansa, Razvoj funkcionalnog osnovnog obrazovanja odraslih u Srbiji, Istorija,Priručnik za nastavnike, Beograd 2011.
  • Snježana Koren,Poučavanje o interpretacijama, Povijest u nastavi 2 god. X (2012)185-217.
  • S. Mandić, Kompjuterizacija i storiografija 1995-2005, Beograd 2008.
  • A.Pešikan, „Shvatanje istorijskog vremena kod dece – pregledni članak sa pogledom unapred“, Nastava istorije, 3, Novi Sad, 1996, 110–129.
  • Initial teacher training for history teachers: Structures and standards in 13 member states of the Council of Europe ed. Alois Ecker, Strasbourg 2002.