
History – Doctoral Degree 2014
The Eastern Question
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 10.00
Pre-requisites: For history students – passed exam in „General history of the 19th century“. Students from other depts. at the University of Philosophy – general knowledge of modern history.

Course objectives: To introduce students to the key phenomena in modern history of the Balkans; practical work based on applying the historiographic method; developing critical thinking in students using concrete historical material; enabling students to conduct independent scientific work.

Course description: The Eastern question will be studied through its characteristics; examined by the role of all powers involved in Balkan countries. With each specific example, we will research the question of the influence of various factors: geostrategy, economy, ideology, the role of individuals, collective psychology, etc. The practical component of this class will be in the framework of seminar workshops. This class will be tailored to suit the needs and interests of the students. Essays and oral presentations will be decided upon in concordance with student's doctoral theses.

Learning Outcomes: Gaining in-depth knowledge about the modern world, which will enable students to produce quality doctoral theses and introduce them to a wide array of careers – from academia to scientific institutions to government administration to media to working in NGOs.

  • B. Lewis, The Emergence of Modern Turkey, New York/Oxford 2002
  • D. Quataert, The Ottoman Empire 1700-1922, Cambridge 2006; B. Lewis, The Emergence of Modern Turkey, New York/Oxford 2002; Istorija Osmanskog carstva, priredio R. Mantran, Beograd 2002
  • H. Seton-Watson, The Russian Empire 1801-1917, Oxford 1988
  • N. I. Cimbaev, Istoriя Rossii XIX - načala XX vv, Moskva 2004; H. Seton-Watson, The Russian Empire 1801-1917, Oxford 1988; Istorija Rusije, priredili D. Obolenski, R. Oti, Beograd 2003
  • R. Okey, The Habsburg Monarchy c. 1765-1918, Basingstoke/London 2001
  • R. Okey, The Habsburg Monarchy c. 1765-1918, Basingstoke/London 2001; A. Sked, The Decline and Fall of the Habsburg Empire 1815-1918, London/NY 1989; A. Tejlor, Habzburška monarhija 1809 – 1918, Beogr
  • P.J. Cain/A.G. Hopkins, British Imperialism 1688-2000, Harlow 2002
  • M. Ković, Dizraeli i Istočno pitanje, Beograd 2007
  • D. Barjot/ J. P. Chaline/ A. Encreve, La France au XIXe siècle 1814-1914, Paris 1995; F. Furet, Revolutionary France 1770-1880, Oxford 2004
  • J. M. Mayeur/M. Rebérioux, The Third Republic from its Origins to the Great War 1871-1914, Cambridge/Paris 1994; D. Barjot/ J. P. Chaline/ A. Encreve, La France au XIXe siècle 1814-1914, Par
  • J.J. Sheehan, German History 1770-1866, Oxford 1994; G. Craig, Germany 1866-1945, Oxford 1981; F. Fišer, Savez elita. O kontinuitetu struktura moći u Nemačkoj 1871 - 1945 godine, Beogra
  • J.J. Sheehan, German History 1770-1866, Oxford 1994; G. Craig, Germany 1866-1945, Oxford 1981; F. Fišer, Savez elita. O kontinuitetu struktura moći u Nemačkoj 1871 - 1945 godine, Beogra
  • S. Woolf, A History of Italy 1700-1860. The social constraints of political change, London/ New York 1991; M. Clark, Modern Italy 1871-1995, London/ New York 1999
  • S. Woolf, A History of Italy 1700-1860. The social constraints of political change, London/ New York 1991; M. Clark, Modern Italy 1871-1995, London/ New York 1999
  • M. Vojvodić, Srbija i Balkansko pitanje 1875-1914, Beograd 2000; M. Ekmečić, Stvaranje Jugoslavije 1790-1918 I-II, Beograd 1989
  • V. Popović, Evropa i srpsko pitanje 1804–1918, Beograd s. a; M. Vojvodić, Srbija i Balkansko pitanje 1875-1914, Beograd 2000; M. Ekmečić, Stvaranje Jugoslavije 1790-1918 I-II, Beograd 1989
  • L. Stavrijanos, Balkan posle 1453, Beograd 2005; R. Klog, Istorija Grčke novog doba, Beograd 2000
  • L. Stavrijanos, Balkan posle 1453, Beograd 2005; R. Klog, Istorija Grčke novog doba, Beograd 2000; D. Đorđević, Nacionalne revolucije balkanskih naroda 1804 – 1914, Beograd 1995
  • S. K. Pavlović, Istorija Balkana, Beograd 2001; L. Stavrijanos, Balkan posle 1453, Beograd 2005
  • S. K. Pavlović, Istorija Balkana, Beograd 2001; L. Stavrijanos, Balkan posle 1453, Beograd 2005
  • D. Popov/ I. Božilov/ C. Georgijeva/ K. Kosev/ A. Pantev/ I. Baeva, Istorija Bugarske, Beograd 2008; P. Bartl, Albanci: od srednjeg veka do danas, Beograd 2001
  • D. Popov/ I. Božilov/ C. Georgijeva/ K. Kosev/ A. Pantev/ I. Baeva, Istorija Bugarske, Beograd 2008; P. Bartl, Albanci: od srednjeg veka do danas, Beograd 2001
  • M. Ekmečić, Stvaranje Jugoslavije 1790-1918 I-II, Beograd 1989; M. Vojvodić, Srbija u međunarodnim odnosima krajem XIX i početkom XX veka, Beograd 1988; A. Pantev i dr, Istorija Bugarske, Bgd 2008
  • M. Ekmečić, Stvaranje Jugoslavije 1790-1918 II, Beograd 1989; M. Vojvodić, Srbija u međunarodnim odnosima krajem XIX i početkom XX veka, Beograd 1988; A. Pantev i dr, Istorija Bugarske, Beograd 2008
  • D. Đorđević, Ogledi iz novije balkanske istorije, Beograd 1989;M. Ekmečić, Stvaranje Jugoslavije 1790-1918 I-II, Beograd 1989; L. Stavrijanos, Balkan posle 1453, Beograd 2005
  • D. Đorđević, Ogledi iz novije balkanske istorije, Beograd 1989;M. Ekmečić, Stvaranje Jugoslavije 1790-1918 I-II, Beograd 1989; L. Stavrijanos, Balkan posle 1453, Beograd 2005
  • T. Stojanović, Balkanski svetovi. Prva i poslednja Evropa, Beograd 1997; V. Popović, Istočno pitanje, Beograd 1996; D. Đorđević, Nacionalne revolucije balkanskih naroda 1804 – 1914, Beograd 1995
  • T. Stojanović, Balkanski svetovi. Prva i poslednja Evropa, Beograd 1997; V. Popović, Istočno pitanje, Beograd 1996; D. Đorđević, Nacionalne revolucije balkanskih naroda 1804 – 1914, Beograd 1995