
History – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
History of political thought (end of the18th-beginning of the 20th century)
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Passed exam in the subject - 19th Century History. Students from other programs at the Faculty of Philosophy should have basic knowledge of modern history.

Course objectives: To introduce students to key issues in modern history; practical work based on applying the historical method; developing critical thinking in students by applying it to concrete historical material.

Course description: This course encompasses studying the intellectual history of Europe and the world from enlightenment to modernity. The main part of the class will focus on analyzing roots and historical value of modern political ideas, by placing them in a direct historical context. The practical component of this class will be in the framework of seminar workshops.This class will be tailored to suit the needs and interests of the students. Essays and oral presentations will be decided upon in concordance with student's final projects.

Learning Outcomes: Gaining in-depth knowledge about the modern world, which will introduce students to the possibility of a wide array of careers – from academia and scientific institutions to government administration, media and working for NGOs.

  • P. Gay, The Enlightenment. The Science of Freedom, New York/ London 1996; U. Im Hof, The Enlightenment, Oxford 1994.
  • P. Gay, The Enlightenment. The Science of Freedom, New York/ London 1996; U. Im Hof, The Enlightenment, Oxford 1994.
  • H.B. Parks, Istorija SAD, Beograd 1985; F. Dženkins, Istorija SAD, Beograd 2002
  • H.B. Parks, Istorija SAD, Beograd 1985; F. Dženkins, Istorija SAD, Beograd 2002
  • F. Fire, M. Ozuf, Kritički rečnik Francuske revolucije, Beograd, Sremski Karlovci/ Novi Sad 1996; F. Furet, Revolutionary France 1770-1880, Oxford 2004
  • F. Fire, M. Ozuf, Kritički rečnik Francuske revolucije, Beograd, Sremski Karlovci/ Novi Sad 1996; F. Furet, Revolutionary France 1770-1880, Oxford 2004
  • M. Peri, Intelektualna istorija Evrope, Beograd 2000; R. W. Winks/J. Neuberger, Europe and the Making of Modernity 1815-1914, Oxford/New York 2005
  • E. J. Hobsbawm, Doba revolucije. Evropa 1789 - 1848, Zagreb 1987; M. Peri, Intelektualna istorija Evrope, Beograd 2000
  • M. Peri, Intelektualna istorija Evrope, Beograd 2000; E. J. Hobsbawm, Doba revolucije. Evropa 1789 - 1848, Zagreb 1987; E. Hejvud, Političke ideologije, Beograd 2005
  • R. W. Winks/J. Neuberger, Europe and the Making of Modernity 1815-1914, Oxford/New York 2005; M. Peri, Intelektualna istorija Evrope, Beograd 2000.
  • M. Peri, Intelektualna istorija Evrope, Beograd 2000; R. W. Winks/J. Neuberger, Europe and the Making of Modernity 1815-1914, Oxford/New York 2005
  • M. Peri, Intelektualna istorija Evrope, Beograd 2000; R. W. Winks/J. Neuberger, Europe and the Making of Modernity 1815-1914, Oxford/New York 2005
  • M. Peri, Intelektualna istorija Evrope, Beograd 2000; R. W. Winks/J. Neuberger, Europe and the Making of Modernity 1815-1914, Oxford/New York 2005
  • M. Peri, Intelektualna istorija Evrope, Beograd 2000; R. W. Winks/J. Neuberger, Europe and the Making of Modernity 1815-1914, Oxford/New York 2005
  • J. W. Burrow, The Crisis of Reason. European Thought 1848-1918, New Haven/London 2000; K. E. Šorske, Fin-de-siècle u Beču. Politika i kultura, Beograd 1998
  • J. W. Burrow, The Crisis of Reason. European Thought 1848-1918, New Haven/London 2000;Ž. Diga, Kulturni život u Evropi na prelazu iz 19. u 20. vek, Beograd 2007
  • C. A. Bayly, The Birth of the Modern World 1780-1914, Oxford 2004; H. Arent, Izvori totalitarizma, Beograd 1998
  • H. Arent, Izvori totalitarizma, Beograd 1998; E. Said, Orijentalizam, Beograd 2000; M. Todorova, Imaginarni Balkan, Beograd 1999
  • H. Arent, Izvori totalitarizma, Beograd 1998; M. Peri, Intelektualna istorija Evrope, Beograd 2000
  • H. Arent, Izvori totalitarizma, Beograd 1998; E. Šorske, Fin-de-siècle u Beču. Politika i kultura, Beograd 1998
  • M. Peri, Intelektualna istorija Evrope, Beograd 2000; R. W. Winks/J. Neuberger, Europe and the Making of Modernity 1815-1914, Oxford/New York 2005
  • R. Gildea, Barricades and Borders. Europe 1800-1914, Oxford 1996; R.W. Winks/J. Neuberger, Europe and the Making of Modernity 1815-1914, Oxford/New York 2005
  • M. Peri, Intelektualna istorija Evrope, Beograd 2000; R. W. Winks/J. Neuberger, Europe and the Making of Modernity 1815-1914, Oxford/New York 2005
  • M. Peri, Intelektualna istorija Evrope, Beograd 2000; R. W. Winks/J. Neuberger, Europe and the Making of Modernity 1815-1914, Oxford/New York 2005