
History – Doctoral Degree 2014
Cyrillic Paleography and Diplomacy
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 10.00
Pre-requisites: Passed exams in Old Church Slavic 1 and 2 during undergraduate studies.

Course objectives: Acquiring knowledge that will aid in independent practical work with serbian diplomatic material.

Course description: In terms of diplomacy, we will focus on the structure of charters, the language of the charter or other legal document, its physical appearance and state of preservation. In terms of paloegraphy, we will examine types of manuscripts on which charters were written, chronology of the usage of particular types of manuscripts and letters, the possibility of reconstructing offices.

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to independently read and translate serbian medieval charters and other legal documents, beginning with the oldest preserved monuments up until the seventeenth century.

  • V.Mošin, Metodološke bilješke o tipovima pisma u ćirilici, Slovo 15-16 (1965) 150-180
  • G.Čremošnik, Studije iz srpske paleografije i diplomatike I: Terminologija ćirilske paleografije i vrste ćirilskog pisma, Glasnik Srpskog naučnog društva 21 (Skoplje 1940) 1-8
  • G.Čremošnik, Srpska diplomatska minuskula, Slovo 13 (1963) 119-135
  • P.Đorđić, Istorija srpske ćirilice, Beograd 1971
  • D.Bogdanović, Razvoj ćirilskog pisma u Srbiji do XV veka, u: Studije iz stare srpske književnosti, Beograd 1997, 128-164
  • Stari srpski arhiv 1-6 (Beograd - Banja Luka 2002-2007)
  • Leksikon srpskog Srednjeg veka.Prirdili S.Ćirković i R.Mihaljčić, Beograd 1999
  • G.Čremošnik, Postanak i razvoj srpske ili hrvatske kancelarije u Dubrovniku, Anali Historijskog institut u Dubrovniku I/1 (Dubrovnik 1963) 73-83
  • S.Mišić - T.Subotin-Golubović, Svetoarhanđelovska povelja, Beograd 2003
  • M.Grković, Prva hrisovulja manastira Dečani, Beograd 2004