
History – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Roman History
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 11.00
Pre-requisites: no special requirements

Course objectives: Mastering basic principles, acquiring knowledge and understanding historical sources and different eras; acquiring the ability to analyze historical events.

Course description: General overview of the history of Rome from the founding of the City to the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Students will, through historical sources, become familiar with the political, institutional, economic, social and cultural history of Rome. Special attention will be given to central-balkan provinces from the time of their founding to the fall of ancient civilizations (year 582.)

Learning Outcomes: Students will have learned about basic events and ideas in roman history. They will be introduced to the main events, institutions, social structures and cultural history.

  • N. A. Maškin, Istorija starog Rima, Beograd, poglavlja: I, III-XI, XII 1, XIV-XXII, XXIV-XXV, XXVII--XXIX, XXXII-XXXVIII, XXXIX 1-2.
  • Budimir-Flašar,Pregled rimske književnosti,Beograd 1963 (str.117-142;180-188;193-197; 202-206;243-258;269-282;300-301;315-324;332-338;346-350;394-405;471-478; 538-562;593-596;611-615;631-638.
  • Oksfordska istorija rimskog sveta (priredili Dž. Bordman, Dž. Grifin, O. Mari), Beograd 1999 (str. 15-72; 87-120; 142-304; 423-450).
  • M. Rostovcev, Istorija starog sveta, Beograd 2004, Rim, poglavlja XIX-XX
  • M. N. Đurić, Istorija helenske književnosti, Beograd 2003, 713-730 (Plutarh)
  • Carska povest, predgovor Ž. Petković, I-XI, XXIII-XXXVII, Beograd 2008.
  • Polibije, Istorije, predgovor M. Ricl, str. 7-34, Novi Sad 1988.
  • Apijan, Rimski građanski ratovi, predgovor F. Papazoglu, str. V-XX, Beograd 1967.
  • Lektira: Carska povest, Marko Aurelije, Beograd 2008.
  • Lektira: Tit Livije, Istorija Rima I, knj. I-II, V, Beograd 1991, Istorija Rima II, knj. VI, Beograd 1995.
  • Lektira: Dela božanskog Avgusta, Beograd 2000.
  • Lektira: Svetonije, Povijest dvananaest rimskih careva: Avgust, Vespazijan, Rijeka 1975.
  • Lektira: Tacit, Anali knj. I-II, VI, 21-57; XV 33 -- XVI, 35, Beograd 1970.
  • Lektira: Amijan Marcelin, Istorija, knj. XX-XXI, Beograd 1998
  • Lektira: Plutarh, Usporedni životopisi: Emilije Paul, Gaj i Tiberije Grah, Sula, Ciceron, Cezar, Zagreb 1989. Neke od ovih biografija mogu se pročitati i u prevodu M. Đurića: Plutarh, Slavni likovi antike, Novi Sad 1978.
  • Lektira: Polibije, knj: I-III, VI 1-18, Novi Sad 1988.
  • Lektira: Cezar, Galski rat, I knj. i Građanski rat, I i II knj. Novi Sad 1980. Postoji i prevod T. Smerdla: Cezar, Moji ratovi, Zagreb 1972.
  • Lektira: Salustije, Katilinina zavera, Beograd 1996.
  • Lektira: Apijan, Rimski građanski ratovi, knj. I-II, Beograd 1967.