History of Art

History of Art – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Management and Marketing in Education
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 8.00
Pre-requisites: Adult Education System and Organization exam

Course objectives: Understanding the theoretical foundations of management and marketing in education; training for production and implementation of management models and marketing plans in educational work; understanding the significance of management professionalization in education.

Course description: Theoretical course: - Interdisciplinary approach to the problems of management and marketing; Basics of management and marketing – theories, approaches, application assumptions in educational work; Strategic management of educational institution, Particularities of marketing in educational work; - Marketing activities in education (exterior and interior marketing activities and spreading of educational public – advertising activities); - Professionalization of management in education – management of function and competences; Practical course: - Exterior and interior educational surroundings analysis, using the strategic analysis method, - Positioning of educational institution (or form) on “educational market“; - Production of educational institution strategic management model; - Production of marketing/business plan of educational institution (or form); - Advertising in educational sphere (concepts, strategies, marketing mix instruments, PR...); - Models (programmes and forms) of manager education/specialization in education.

Learning Outcomes: - Understanding the theoretical foundations of management and marketing; - Application of the methods of strategic analysis; - Production of strategic management model; - Production of educational institution’s marketing/business plan; - Programming and organization of manager education/specialization in education.

  • • Alibabić, Š., (2003), Upravljanje doživotnim obrazovanjem, Naša škola, br.1-2, Banja Luka
  • Alibabić, Š., (2007), Profesionalizacija menadžmenta u obrazovanju, Zbornik: Andragogija na početku trećeg milenijuma, IPA, Beograd
  • Alibabić, Š., (2000), Marketing u obrazovanju odraslih, Andragoške studije, br.1-2, Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta, Beograd
  • Čizmić, S. i drugi, (1995), Psihologija i menadžment, Institut za psihologiju, Beograd
  • Kotler, F., (2005), Upravljanje marketingom, Data Status, Beograd
  • Miljković, J., (2007), Model upravljanja institucijom za obrazovanje odraslih, Zbornik, IPA, Beograd
  • Milisavljević, M., (2005), Savremeni strategijski menadžment, Megatrend univerzitet primenjenih nauka, Beograd.