History of Art

History of Art – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Students need to pass all third year exams according to program.

Course objectives: Methodological preparation for working in the field of archive protection. Through theoretical practice, students are trained in various archiving skills:protecting archive in non-traditional forms, editing and formatting, cultural-academic skills.

Course description: Theoretical component: Introduction to archiving. Theoretical-methodological approaches in research, Philosophy of Archiving, History of archiving in Europe, international archive organizations, legal archiving, protection of archive materials in other forms(church materials), editing and formatting archival material(scientific material), cultural-academic and IT aspects of archiving, publishing archival material, education and professional training for archivists, passing the exam. Practical component: Visiting archive sites in Serbia, Monte Negro and SANU. During visits students will be exposed to as many fields as possible in archiving so that they can have broad picture for working systems within archiving. Students will also have the chance to work with sources to apply theoretical knowledge, particularly in the cultural-academic field or archiving and education.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will possess basic archiving knowledge and skills and be capable of completing archiving work such as :protecting archive in non-traditional forms, editing and formatting, cultural-academic skills(preparing exhibits).

  • B.Lekić,Arhivistika,Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva,Beograd 2006. U
  • The Treasure Houses of Austria, The Austrian State Archives,Federal Press Service,Vienna 1996.
  • Arhiv Srbije 1900-2000, Beograd 2000 (urednik M.Radević),
  • What are Archives? Cultural and Theoretical Perspectives, Edited by Louise Craven,Ashgate,Hampshire, 2008.
  • Arhivi u Srbiji, 2, Beograd 2000 (redakcija B.Blagojević,B.Grubor,B.Draškić,D.Janković, M.Madić,J.Pejin, M.Radojčić,P.Stanojević ).
  • Spomenica Istorijskog arhiva Šumadije u Kragujevcu,Kragujevac 2002,
  • A.Đurović,Arhiv u nastavi istorije, Nastava istorije, 6, Novi Sad, 1997, str.114-121.
  • A.Đurović,Arhivi u Evropi: Torre do Tombo,nacionalni arhiv Portugala u Lisabonu, Šumadijski anali, 5, Kragujevac,2009, 179-189.
  • Modernizacija kancelarijskog i arhivskog poslovanja u registraturaaama (priredila T.Mišić), Arhivističko društvo Srbije,Arhiv Srbije,Beograd 2010.