
Archaeology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Historical Introduction to Psychology
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 5.00
Pre-requisites: No prerequisites.

Course objectives: 1.Becoming familiar with the historical development of psychological ideas to the point of the foundation of psychology as an independent science 2. Highlighting the importance of the philosophical thought and the development of empirical methods in the European science 3. Understanding major schools of thought in psychology the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.

Course description: Historical development of psychological ideas from the Ancient Greece to the 19th century, the foundation of psychology in the nineteenth century, the development of psychological schools at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Learning Outcomes: Understanding the historical roots of contemporary psychology.

  • 1. KORAĆ, Žarko: Škole i sistemi u psihologiji, str. 120-221 (Biheviorizam; Geštalt psihologija, Psihoanaliza - do Adlera)
  • 2. MARFI, Gardner: Istorijski uvod u savremenu psihologiju, str. 17-51 (intelektualna osnova, 17. i, 18.vek), 76-86 (Počeci eksperimentalne psih.Fehner), 100-111 (Teorija evolucije),120-124 (Helmholc)
  • 3. MILER, Fernan-Lisjen: Istorija psihologije, str. 48-54 (Platonova psihologija), 55-67 (Aristotelova psihologija)
  • 4.RADONjIĆ, Slavoljub: Uvod u psihologiju, str. 17-38 (Tičener; Funkcionalna psihologija), 50-75 (Introspektivne metode)