
Andragogy – Doctoral Degree 2014
Vocational Adults Education and Training
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 10.00
Pre-requisites: /

Course objectives: Acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for scientific-research work and managing the processes of research of needs, planning, programming, realization and evaluation of vocational adult education and training.

Course description: Theoretical course: Concept of social partnership in vocational adult education; National qualification framework; Different approaches to examining the needs for vocational education; Education/training at work; Organizational training cycle; Monitoring of vocational education and training outcomes – efficiency of vocational education. Practical course: Selection of the general strategy of examining the needs for vocational education; Group programming in vocational education; Organization of training; Evaluation of “competence“.

Learning Outcomes: With understanding of the theoretical and methodological assumptions, student will be able to manage the processes of examining the needs, planning, programming, and evaluation of vocational adult education and training, and to design and realize scientific research in this area.

  • McGivney, V, (2002), Develop the Worker: Develop the Business, A Guide for Smaller Business, NIACE, Leicester
  • Kletzer, K.L, Koch, W.L, (2003), International Experience With Job Training: Lessons for the US, University of California, Santa Cruz
  • Lazić, Đ, Ristić, B, Živković, R, (2007), Nacionalni okvir kvalifikacija za evropsku Srbiju, GOPA, Beograd
  • Lulis, V, Kostić, V, (2005), Priručnik za identifikaciju profila i zahteva zanimanja za socijalne partnere, Reforma srednjeg stručnog obrazovanja u Republici Srbiji, Beograd
  • Despotović, M, Popović, K, Pejatović, A, (2005), Vocational Education Reform in Serbia, in: Terzis, N.P, (ed.) "Quality in Education in the Balkans", Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education