
Andragogy – Master’s Degree 2014
Final Paper
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 20.00
Pre-requisites: Passed exams of Research Methodology of Adult Education and Learning and of four elective courses (30 ECTS)

Course objectives: - Training for critical approach and the use of theoretical starting points and research procedures in evaluation and improvement of adult education; - Training for scientific-research work and involvement in doctoral studies of adult education.

Course description: Final paper represents the report on individual student research on the approved subject. Selection of the research problems and the appropriate methodological procedures student defines (with the agreement with the mentor) during the Study Research Work course. Final paper contains the argumentation for problem selection, description of theoretical and methodological approach, research results, interpretation of their meaning for educational practice and review of the used literature. After finishing the final paper, student prepares and undertakes the public defence.

Learning Outcomes: - Student is familiar with different research paradigms and understands their implications in studying the specific problems of adult education and learning; - Designs and realizes different types of applied research in adult education and learning.
