
Andragogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Leisure Andragogy
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 7.00
Pre-requisites: Fulfilled obligations defined by University Statute

Course objectives: Acquisition of knowledge and skills towards understanding the nature of leisure as a phenomenon and a scientific conception for educational action in developing the culture of the use of adult leisure.

Course description: Leisure as a phenomenon and a scientific concept; Educational implications, possibilities, effects, values and activities; Leisure education: education in/for leisure time. Historical-philosophical and international dimensions of the development of educational problems of leisure. Sport and recreation of adults. Play and creativity of adults. Tourism and adult education. Communication, media and leisure time of adults. Adult educational aspects of leisure time in particular conditions (company, cultural institutions, family, elderly, young adults, people with special needs...) Ambivalent character of leisure. Practical course: Organization and evaluation of various, by content and organizational solutions, cultural-educational activities in leisure time of adults. Educational excursion. Shaping the appropriate educational material. Presentation on the field. Adult educational work analysis of relevant cultural-educational institutions (libraries, clubs, museums, galleries, sport-recreational centres, cultural centres, theatres, cinemas, touristic agencies, hotels, etc.). Application of informational-educational technologies.

Learning Outcomes: Student: - Acts in the field of leisure of particular target and profile groups of local and wider community. – Shapes educational materials, organizes and evaluates, according to the content and organizational solutions, cultural-educational activities in the field of tourism, recreation, creativity and play for adults.

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  • Lazarević, B.(2001) Andragoški aspekti Aristotelovog shvatanja dokolice, Andragoške studije
  • Mitić, D. (2001) Rekreacija, FSFK, Beograd
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