
Andragogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Introduction to Adult Educational Research
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 3
Recommended Semester: 5
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: /

Course objectives: Acquisition of knowledge of the basic methodological concepts; training students for understanding the scientific research process; building skills and competences for research designing.

Course description: Theoretical course: The concept and the characteristics (general and specific) of research. The goals of scientific research (description and classification, scientific discovery, scientific explanation and understanding and scientific predictions). Basic types of research and their characteristics (theoretical and empirical, fundamental, operational and developmental, transversal and longitudinal, comparative, historical). Research stages. Selection of research problem. Research project (conceptual, study and technical). Organization of scientific research work in the field of adult education. Research report. The role of practitioner in research. The application of research results in the practice. Practical course: Problem recognition in educational practice and its justification as the subject of scientific research. Conceptual project design for the research.

Learning Outcomes: Student should: have the knowledge about the goal, process and organization of scientific research; understand the particularities of the basic types of research in education, be able to recognize the research problem and design the research project.

  • Banđur, V. i Potkonjak, N. (1999): Metodologija pedagogije, Beograd: Savez pedagoških društava Jugoslavije
  • Kocić, Lj. (1981): Pedagoški eksperimet, Beograd: Prosveta
  • Matović, N. (2007): Merenje u pedagoškim istraživanjima, Beograd: Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Filozofski fakultet
  • Savićević, D. (1996): Metodologija istraživanja u vaspitanju i obrazovanju, Vranje: Učiteljski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu