
Andragogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Elementary Adult Education and Key Competences
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 3
Recommended Semester: 5
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: There are no requirements.

Course objectives: Studying of elementary adult education as a social and scientific phenomenon, its social, political, economical and cultural dimensions, methodological particularities of literacy spreading and key competences developing in adults.

Course description: Theoretical course: - Elementary adult education as a social and scientific phenomenon – philosophical, social, economical, political and cultural dimensions; - Literacy and spreading literacy concepts; defining of key competences; - International experiences in literacy spreading in adults and key competences development; - Methodological particularities of literacy spreading in adults and acquiring key competences; - Teacher in elementary adult education. Practical course: - Positioning of elementary adult education in educational system; - Designing systematic solutions for illiteracy problem; - Analysis of organization, programme orientation and methodological particularities of elementary adult education and key competences acquiring; - Analysis of the results of professional visits to the literacy spreading and key competences development lessons (focusing on differential problems: teacher competences, organizational adequacy, programme functionality...); - Research of current problems in the field of literacy spreading and key competences development.

Learning Outcomes: - Understands the development of literacy concept in different cultures; - Understands the methodological particularities of literacy and key competences acquiring; - Researches and creates literacy spreading models; - Counsels all subjects participating in this activity.

  • Alibabić, Š., (1994), Funkcionalna pismenost i samoobrazovanje, IPA Filozofskog fakulteta, Beograd
  • Alibabić, Š., (2004), Razvijanje samoobrazovnih kompetencija odraslih, Obrazovanje odraslih br.1, BKC i IIZ/DVV, Sarajevo
  • Bulatović R., (2002)., Andragoški zapisi, IPA Filozofskog fakulteta, Beograd
  • Čepić, R., (2004), Razvoj istraživanja pismenosti odraslih: od tradicionalnih do suvremenih pristupa, Zbornik:Obrazovanje odraslih – ključ za 21. stoljeće, Hrvatsko andragoško društvo, Zagreb
  • Džarvis, P., (2003), Poučavanje, Andragoški centar, Zagreb
  • „Basic skills, entrepreneurship and foreign languages“, Working Group Progress Report, EC, 2003. (nepublikovani prevod)
  • Torres,R.M.:„Lifelong Learning–A New Momentum and a New Opportunity for Adult Basic Learning and Education in the South“,«Adult Education and Development»,Supplement to 60, 2003.(nepublikovani prevod)